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Английский Этимологический словарь - trot


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- 14c., from O.Fr. troter "trot, go," from Frankish *trotton (cf. O.H.G. trotton "to tread"). To trot (something) out "produce and display for admiration" is slang first recorded 1845. Trotter "foot of a quadruped" is first recorded 1522.
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  sport abbr. Therapeutic Riding Of Tucson ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v trotted, trotting 1 if a horse trots, it moves fairly quickly with each front leg moving at the same time as the opposite back leg 2 3 a) to run fairly slowly, taking short steps  (William trotted along happily beside his parents.) b) spoken to walk or go somewhere  (I'm just trotting down to the shops.) trot sth out phr v informal to give opinions, excuses, reasons etc that you have used too often to seem sincere  (Steve trotted out the same old excuses.) ~2 n 1 the movement of a horse at trotting (trot1) speed  (We set off at a brisk trot.) 2 a ride on a horse at trotting (trot1) speed  (I'm going for a trot down the lane.) 3 a fairly slow way of running in which you take short steps  (break into a trot (=increase your speed to a trot)) 4 on the trot BrE informal a) one after the other  (Sally's won three races on the trot.) b) busy doing something  (I've been on the trot all day.) 5 AmE a book of translations or answers used by students; a crib1 (4b) 6 the trots humorous diarrhoea ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (trots, trotting, trotted) 1. If you trot somewhere, you move fairly fast at a speed between walking and running, taking small quick steps. I trotted down the steps and out to the shed... A small shabby man was trotting beside Bardi trying to get his attention. VERB: V prep/adv, V • Trot is also a noun. He walked briskly, but without breaking into a trot. N-SING 2. When an animal such as a horse trots, it moves fairly fast, taking quick small steps. You can also say that the rider of the animal is trotting. Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting... Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field. VERB: V, V prep/adv • Trot is also a noun. As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot. N-SING 3. If something happens several times on the trot, it happens that number of times without a break. (BRIT INFORMAL) She lost five games on the trot... = in a row PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Date: 1962 an adherent of ~skyism ; ~skyist, ~skyite TROT  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~er to ~, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German ~ton to tread, Old English tredan  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a moderately fast gait of a quadruped (as a horse) in which the legs move in diagonal pairs  (2) a jogging gait of a human that falls between a walk and a run  b. a ride on horseback  2. an old woman  3. a literal translation of a foreign text  4. plural diarrhea — used with the  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to ride, drive, or proceed at a ~ the fox ~ted over the knoll  2. to proceed briskly ; hurry  transitive verb  1. to cause to go at a ~  2. to traverse at a ~  III. noun  Date: 1883 ~line; also one of the short lines with hooks that are attached to a ~line at intervals ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (trotted, trotting) 1 intr. (of a person) run at a moderate pace esp. with short strides. 2 intr. (of a horse) proceed at a steady pace faster than a walk lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately. 3 intr. colloq. walk or go. 4 tr. cause (a horse or person) to trot. 5 tr. traverse (a distance) at a trot. --n. 1 the action or exercise of trotting (proceed at a trot; went for a trot). 2 (the trots) sl. an attack of diarrhoea. 3 a brisk steady movement or occupation. 4 (in pl.) Austral. colloq. a trotting-races. b a meeting for these. Phrases and idioms on the trot colloq. 1 continually busy (kept them on the trot). 2 in succession (five weeks on the trot). trot out 1 cause (a horse) to trot to show his paces. 2 produce or introduce (as if) for inspection and approval, esp. tediously or repeatedly. Etymology: ME f. OF troter f. Rmc & med.L trottare, of Gmc orig. TROT n. colloq. usu. derog. a Trotskyist. Etymology: abbr. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  рысь (тип аллюра); идти рысью – balanced trot – collected trot – extended trot – strong trot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. рысь collected trot —- собранная рысь (конный спорт) at a trot —- рысью, на рысях to go at a trot —- идти рысью, идти на рысях to set off at a trot —- пойти рысью to break into a trot —- перейти на рысь to put the horse to the trot —- пустить лошадь рысью 2. заезд на рысистых испытаниях (конный спорт) a mile trot for three-year-olds —- заезд на милю для трехлеток 3. быстрая походка, быстрый шаг; рысца to go off at a trot —- быстро уйти, удалиться рысцой 4. прогулка быстрым шагом, пробежка to go for a trot —- быстро пройтись, пробежаться 5. быстрый легкий танец или танцевальный шаг 6. разг. ребенок, который учится ходить 7. разг. маленькое или молодое животное 8. ам. сл. буквальный перевод, подстрочник; шпаргалка Id: to be on the trot —- быть занятым Id: to keep smb. on the trot —- не давать кому-л. покоя (передышки); загонять кого-л. Id: tasks that kept him on the trot all day —- дела, которые не позволяли ему расслабиться в течение всего дня Id: to have five wins on the trot —- выиграть пять раз подряд Id: he has the trots —- простореч. у него понос, его несет 9. идти рысью to trot short —- идти мелкой рысью; семенить (о человеке) to trot five kilometres —- пройти (проехать) рысью пять километров 10. пускать рысью (также to trot a horse) 11. объезжать рысью to trot the hills —- пройти рысью по холмам 12. обыкн. разг. идти...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  about суетиться TROT out  а) показывать рысь (в конном спорте);  б) идти крупной рысью;  в) coll. показывать (товары);  г) представлять на рассмотрение; обращать внимание (на что-л.)  д) щеголять (чем-л.) TROT off удалиться рысью TROT away = trot off TROT  1. noun  1) рысь - at trot - go at a trot - set off at a trot - break into a trot  2) быстрая походка - go off at a trot  3) coll. ребенок, который учится ходить  4) pejor. старая карга  5) amer.; stud.; sl. перевод, подстрочник; шпаргалка to keep smb. on the trot - не давать кому-л. покоя; загонять кого-л.  2. v.  1) идти рысью  2) пускать рысью; to trot a horse - пустить лошадь рысью; to trot a person off his legs - загонять человека  3) бежать, спешить - trot about - trot along - trot away - trot off - trot out - trot round Syn: see run TROT round водить, показывать (город и т.п.) TROT along  а) бежать трусцой (о лошади, человеке и т.п.);  б) coll. быстро отправляться делать (что-л.);  в) уходить; I must trot along мне надо бежать ...
Англо-русский словарь


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